2024 – the year to be an In-venturer

What if you committed to a life of non-judgment but you remembered to begin with not judging yourself. How would your inner dialog change if you committed yourself to being your own best friend, your own cheerleader? What if 2024 sparked you to see yourself differently? What if you choose to love yourself enough to never again turn your back on your values? What if you walked this planet seeking evidence that you belong, that you are enough, that you are valuable, worthy, and lovable? What if that was your quest this year?

Be the in-venturer! That is - the adventurer of your inner world, your inner landscape - an
In-venturer. Let this be the year where you choose to look in, to accept the landscape unconditionally, to know at last that it is YOU and YOU alone who plants the seeds that you harvest every day of your life. Let this be the year that you choose the seeds that you plant wisely, asking yourself in advance – what harvest do I seek? Then plant accordingly. This is the question that shall remind you to choose wisely.

Let this be the year where NOTHING outside of you, no circumstances or people distract you from your inner beauty.

Ernest Holmes in his address Sermon by the Sea, encouraged us to be the person, the people, who stood grounded in truth so completely that our stance would alter everything. Are you that? Are you standing in Principle so strongly that your world shifts accordingly?

What if this was the year when you actualized the reality that there is no outside, there is no other, took responsibility for all of it, and let go of all other distractions? Your inner landscape is RICH with resources, guidance, wisdom, and inspiration waiting for you to mine them. Go there. Sow the seeds of your own glory without distraction. Claim your beauty. Cultivate your faith and confidence in the power that resides within.

Write that book, that poem, that song. Sing out loud no matter who is listening. Forgive quickly but remember the lesson. Look lovingly into your own eyes every time you pass a mirror. Be the in-venturer of your inner world and celebrate your God-ordained essence. You need nothing outside of you, you only need to love yourself completely. Let this be your year!
Happy Reset my friend.

Photo credit: Max Ravier


What If? Revisited


Being and Doing