Be Your Own Champion

Life has enough challenges without you not approving of yourself. You deserve to love and adore yourself, yes ADORE! No, not in an egotistical way, in a deep and profound sacred way. Love the You that was created from the light, love, and essence of our beloved universe. There is an intelligence that created all that is, it is illogical that you would be designed to disapprove of yourself. You deserve to be your best friend.

Yes, this sounds like a hallmark card but, in truth, without your self-love and self-approval you will live at the mercy of approval of others. And, guess what, not everyone is going to like you, not everyone will approve of you. So what?

Choose to never again betray yourself, which is what happens when you place your self-worth in the hands of another.

Today, right now, make a decision to:

·         Love yourself as you are and as you are not.

·         Approve of who you are in the world.

·         Practice self-patience for your growth and improvement.

·         Never again, speak a word against yourself.

·         When you look in the mirror, be generous, kind, and affirming.

·         Don’t take anything anyone says personally.

·         Don’t give your power away by expecting others to approve of you.

·         Affirm yourself daily through words and actions.

Yes, be your own champion and then share this wisdom by affirming everyone you know, especially the children around you. Let’s teach our next generation to love themselves as they are.

Photo credit: Hassan OUAJBIR


Mary – the Oak Tree


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