Don’t turn your back on Source!

Duality is the result that comes when we separate ourselves from our source, when get distracted and forget our source, when we honor fear and doubt more than our source. This can happen quite subtlety. It can happen almost imperceptibly. It comes from when we talk about having faith or when we talk about having conviction but then we give lip service and our energy to doubt or fear. It also happens when we place our relationship to anyone above our relationship to our source.

It doesn't matter what you call it: God, Source, Love, Spirit, Jesus, Mohammed, Yahweh, or one of many other names. Humanists and scientists simply refer to it as the quantum field. No matter the name, no matter the image that comes to mind it is real as an influence and a source of potency and power in our lives.

To live a life that is grounded in a relationship with your named source requires attention. Using the world relationship implies two, but that is a linguistic issue. To benefit from this relationship we must feed it as much as it calls for our attention. How does it do that? Those intuitive nudges you feel sometimes, that yearning in your heart. That is Source tapping you on the shoulder for your attention. It wants you to wake up, this is one of the most beautiful gifts to this relationship.

Feed this relationship with your attention, through your spiritual practices, and you will be fed. Honor the power of this relationship and you will feel empowered. Express love for this divine relationship and you will feel wrapped in the arms of love. Your attention equals your experience.

There are times in our lives when we give our power away by thinking that a human relationship is more important than the relationship that we have with our Source. There are times when we think that our quest for success or our quest for more money is more important. Nothing is more important.

Turn to your Source first, in all moments, and you will never want for anything outside of you. Turn to Source before all wants, all desires, and all human relationships and you will never be alone. Source first. Source always.


Seeking the Nectar


Beyond Reasonable