The Down and Dirty of Humanity

It is with great frustration at times that I look around the world and quietly access what I witness –  labeling and judging are what I see. My frustration rises as I recognize the difference between my wants and dreams for humanity and the way many of us are actually showing up.

How is it that we are not, as a collective, embracing our human potential? And how can I, this Jersey Girl living in a small suburban town, make a difference? It is so wonderful when spiritual leaders and teachers compose tomes to reach our hearts and inspire us. Yet, to offer flowers, rainbows, and puppy dogs, or more realistically, guidance, advice, and words of power without acknowledging our shadow feels to me to be incomplete.

Frustration might be too light of a response; the statistics of our current society at its best often disgust me. (You might be wondering right now what is going on with me, but please read on). I am one of those individuals who can not look away when introduced to evidence of subjects like racism, homophobia, genocide, the dark web, and sex trafficking. And there's so much more. I don't look away because I know that the impact has on my spiritual family. If I look away, am I not denying the support needed to heal these down-and-dirty activities happening right beneath our feet, right in our own neighborhoods, and, all too often, under our own roofs?

We must educate ourselves to elevate humanity at large, beginning with our families, friends, neighbors, and spiritual communities. If not us, then who? No, I do not have the answers. There is always a very logical next question that one will ask. What can we do, they ask? Then I look into the eyes of the one asking, and behind my eyes, I feel helpless, sad, and disempowered to offer meaningful advice. We must start where we are, though. We must first be willing not to look away, to have uncomfortable conversations, and to acknowledge the pain around us.

Together we must start by staying awake and aware, and informed. And then be the healthiest version of ourselves that we can be and inspire all those around us to be equally healthy emotionally and spiritually. We must become intolerant of injustice and demand legislation and change from our politicians and lawmakers.

So here comes the inspirational part- you are a powerful, beautiful being, and lending your consciousness to the healing of the underbelly of our planet is something you can do with every breath you take. You are invaluable in the role of healer. And, of course – begin to pray your ass off. Pray like your own life depended upon it. Pray to reveal more and more Love, Compassion, Peace, and Forgiveness.

Affirm with me: I am the place where love resides, and this love heals all it touches.



Set Your Intention HIGH!


Let’s Stop Suffering