Emotions for change

Anger, resentment, righteousness are all emotions that most of us spiritual types try to heal, avoid, or fix. I admit it I have been one of those, but upon further review and contemplation, are these not the emotions that cause us to get up off our meditation cushions to take action. If our biggest concern is about being nice, being kind, which I teach, are addictions that cause us to be inauthentic then what can we bring to the table when the time comes for change, other than a watered-down version of ourselves practicing spiritual bypass.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it is not healthy for us to walk around in a sustained state of anger, resentment, and righteousness, these untrained, misdirected emotions will wreak havoc in your emotional health and your body. But take a grounded and informed individual who uses their emotions instead of their emotions using them and you have an individual capable of carrying a powerful message for change.

There is a quiet strength in the combination of righteousness and one who knows their shadow. Look at the spiritual leaders that have had some of the greatest influences upon our civilization, people like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr. They were powerful, yes, but don’t think for a second that they were not angry about the conditions that they strived to transform.

Anger about any single focus not balanced with the grounding of a spiritual life and emotional health is akin to a 220-volt power source that’s flailing about shocking every random thing it touches without care or discretion.

We are living in a crisis ridden, divided world, where war and genocide are happening as we speak. Kindness is a wonderful thing but in the face of unrest and wrongdoing our attachment to being kind leaves us being ineffective bystanders. But, to the contrary if we use our anger as a power source without knowing where our power comes from, once again, we are out of balance. 

Once we have done our inner work, our inner healing and, for me, of course, that is forgiveness and shadow work, we are more prepared to tap into our truest source of power, feel the upset, feel the anger, and at times feel the rage without being consumed by these emotions. When we are healed, whole, and balanced, we are powerful beyond our imagination. When we do our work, we tap into the non-local of us, that source that heals, reveals, and empowers us to make a change.

The world needs us NOW. Our country needs us NOW. Our individual organizations need us NOW. But what is needed are individuals who know themselves and know their source of power – God, Spirit, Love, Energy, by any name. I am more powerful today because I know who my source is and because I continue to clean-up my inner landscape.

Join me in the work that will free your inner resources to be more powerful in making changes in the world. Learn to use your emotions and not have them use you. As we identify the places where we want to make a difference, let’s bring our whole selves to the issues and isms of life.


Join one or more of the following courses coming up next week:

·         Conscious Dreaming

·         Forgiveness - The Course (FOR MINISTERS ONLY)

·         Forgiveness - The Course



