It’s Not About You!

You are a powerhouse and the individual that you are and the message that you convey by just being you matters, yet it is not about you. A true contradiction if ever I have seen one. There is a fine balance that must be struck between wanting to make a difference in the world and not being egotistical about your efforts.

Here is where we left off in my last blog post:

“Here is what I am asking you to remember. Your upset impacts and so does your kindness. Your compassion impacts and so does your criticism. Your love impacts as does your sarcasm. Choose. Choose how you want to impact and be committed to that. Be you, do you, but do so consciously. Have your Impact be conscious. And of course, have it rooted in love.” (So weird to be quoting myself.)

When you are whole and balanced, which means when you have done enough healing work that you walk around free and unavailable to the stimulus that used to carry your attention, and are free to make an honest assessment of yourself that is a sign that you have developed a healthy relationship with yourself and your power.  When we have healed the painful parts of ourselves that used to get in our way, when we have learned our value, and when we love the ‘all of ourselves’, which means without exception, we are perfectly positioned to believe in the message that we want to bring to the world.

The rewards for doing your own deep healing work, which position you to have Impact, are many. The first and most important one, is this, when you finally know yourself and believe in yourself enough, you will step away from that self-doubting, self-sabotaging, imposture syndrome which interferes with the Impact you are seeking to have. When you release the self-criticism, you can believe in yourself and your message more.

Heal your inner landscape and all the good that you are will be revealed. Of course, knowing me, you know that I am implying for you to do your forgiveness and shadow work, but there is so much more than that. Once you do that work, then you need to cultivate a pattern of self-confidence that will communicate for you on your behalf.  “You will know them by their fruits” Matthew 7:15, reminds us that who we are is seen, we cannot hide our limitations and we cannot hide our light.

Choose to be revealed. Choose to get what’s in the way out of the way. Choose to have the Impact of your glorious self and share it with the world – not in an arrogant way, but in a loving and meaningful way. In other words – DO YOU – have Impact – let your light shine!


Consciously Intolerant
