
Yes, I know it is not really a word, but just by saying it, you can get a sense of what it could mean. Thank you to a new friend, Marijane, for saying it out loud.

Just as this newly made-up word left her mouth, I heard a whole meaning. Just as two separate parts synergize to make a greater third, these two words, synchronize and delicious together, have come to explain the deliciousness of a synchronicity.

Here is what I choose to make this mean – and quite honestly, we are making this up as we go along. Synchronicious shall now describe the beautiful coming together of two separate things. You know the experience when you get lost but find a road you have never been on, and it is beautiful, and you find your new home for sale on this random road. Or when someone accidentally calls you, and they are someone you have been wanting to speak with. Or, when you want to go to a show or to your favorite restaurant, the only time they have is the only time you can make it.

This is a great word that explains so beautifully being in the right place, at the right time, with the right feeling, in the right surroundings. What a great way to describe it when you make spontaneous plans, and all the world conspires on your behalf.

Yes, imagine walking around, believing in your beautiful divine birthright, accepting, and allowing your good and greater good from places known, not known, expected, and not expected. Imagine trusting that EVERYTHING in your life is FOR YOU – EVERYTHING – no exceptions. Oh, how life would change on our behalf if we walked believing that we deserve a synchronicious life with all things happening on our behalf. Yes, it is a delicious experience of the goodness of life.

Practice seeing yourself in the right place at the right time every day, all day. Affirm to yourself that I am always in the right place at the right time. I walk in love. I am the evidence of love. All of life is for me. Enjoy!


The Pain and the Triumph of Feeling 


Life’s Paradox