Thank God for Pain

Thank God for pain, for struggle, for loss, for divorce, for poor health, for bankruptcy, for betrayal. I begin my blog this week this way because while Gratitude is one of the single most important spiritual practices on the face of the earth, sometimes we begin to look past things that we hear all the time. Humans have the tendency to dismiss even the most profound if it isn’t shared with a fresh and unique voice.

Today, let your mind and heart wake up as you find value in the pain you have experienced and let me justify why as I provide three simple and solid reasons why.

1.       You garner personal growth and resilience when you value pain and loss instead of condemning these experiences. We are forced to confront our deepest fears and vulnerabilities, leading to personal growth. These experiences can teach us resilience, helping us to develop a stronger character and a better understanding of our own capacities to handle life's challenges. If life was always easy, we would not develop these characteristics. For this reason we are blessed by our pain and loss.

 2.       We develop greater empathy and deeper relationships because of these challenges.  Experiencing pain and loss can increase our empathy and compassion for others. Understanding what it means to suffer or to lose something valuable can make us more sensitive to the struggles of others. When we are in community we never have to suffer alone. While pain and loss are challenging, if you are in community, you will find support the more open you are about your struggle. Your vulnerability touches the hearts of many.

 3.       As we mature, we begin to appreciate Life for its impermanence. NOTHING is forever! Once we embrace this reality, we engage life differently seeing all of life, all relationships, as more precious and valuable. It is our pain and loss that sensitizes us to reality. Our discomfort helps us to appreciate our good, our love, our accomplishments, and our successes with deep and sincere appreciation.

 While it's natural, may I say normal, to feel grief and sadness in the face of pain and loss, these experiences grow and transform us in powerful ways. Having gratitude for the tougher side of life will create balance and give you a new language of profound appreciation. Remember you are who you are today not despite these experiences but because of them.

 This year as you sit around your Thanksgiving table, remember to be grateful for all of your life, for the good, the challenging and the down-right hard of life. Let all of life grow your resolve as you embrace the beauty and strength of your being.

 Happy Thanksgiving to you!


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