The Power of Spirituality

Not often do we use the word power and spirituality in the same breath, yet, in truth they are intricately enmeshed in each other.

If you are truly spiritual, in the true meaning of the word, you are powerful beyond your imagination.

A quick google searched provided this definition of spirituality: Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

I propose that being authentically spiritual has everything to do with knowing thyself, taking responsibility for one’s life and fully understanding the impact of how we show up in the world. For example if you are one who knows how to not take an intentionally striking insult personally, you are a powerhouse in the most unexpected ways. For when one is not moved by the outside world, or by the words of another, or not thrown off your center because of the news, you again are a powerhouse.

When you are in ownership of your life expression and not at the mercy of stimuli and influences of the outside world then you are in position to create.

If you are not clear about this, look around you, go into a public place and watch how many individuals treat each other. You might see someone being harsh to a clerk, wait staff, or a parking attendant who is there to take money but not paid enough to take your shit, but it is often the common worker that gets picked on the most. Being loud, rude, and judgmental does not make anyone powerful, it just makes you rude. Maybe this kind of behavior happens in your own household, or on the job – people being rude and disrespectful purely because they can get away with it. (This behavior reeks of supremacy.)

Give me an individual who is self-realized, who takes responsibility for their world, who never blames another, who seeks to practice non-judgment, and is kind, that person has power. That person is powerful because they know they have influence over others and, because they are spiritual, they choose for their influence to be filled with kindness, compassion, and acceptance.

When we walk in our spiritual essence appreciating life, practicing kindness, we are powerful and unstoppable because when we own our lives and are expressing our spiritual essence we are doing two things simultaneously. The first is that we are not adding to the pain and chaos of the planet. Each time you choose wisely you are not colluding with the planetary suffering. And second, because you are not colluding with the pain, you are creating opportunities for yourself and others to walk in the light of love. A self-evolved, spiritual individual has the power to transform the world. Be that person, we need more of those people.




Creed – the movie