This Holiday Season

What if you finally gave yourself full permission to move through the holidays as you so desire, in a way that feeds your heart and soul – even if it is not popular. I have three sons. My middle son, a husband and father of three, lives a simple life dedicated to family, the outdoors, and to being himself. This can sometimes look as if he is being difficult, but in truth he is being authentically him – as he is. I have observed this behavior for many years now and this is what I admire about him and his choices.

He is NOT a people pleaser. He didn’t get that from me or his father, so I take no credit for it, but I am totally inspired by it. When he says “no” to something he is committed to his no, but when he says “yes”, he is equally committed. Here is the best part, he can handle your honest answer just as well. He places no unspoken expectations upon another. If he asks me to babysit, and I can’t, he never comes back to me to ask me to reconsider my answer, and if I begin to feel bad about my “no”, he immediately chimes in and reminds me that it is okay.

With this idea in mind, what if YOU spent the balance of this year doing what your heart wants to do, go where you want to go, don’t go where you don’t, and spend time with your chosen people? Can you imagine living a life of authentic choices, unencumbered by societal obligations?

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, I could never - not go to my in-laws for dinner. Okay, if that is too big of a leap, then I encourage you to go by conscious choice. What does that mean? It means to take responsibility for putting yourself in a situation that might not be your favorite, but you do it for your spouse or partner. Choosing to be conscious and taking responsibility for your choices will empower you to handle this unwanted experience in a different way.

If you don’t feel a sense of commitment, bring your whole self anyway. Be fully present, be curious, see if you can insight a conversation of interest. Being fully present will alter your experience. Look around the room, look for opportunities to make a difference in someone's life. Be the gift. Bring conscious love into the room.

Happy Glorious Christmas, my friend – you deserve to be you and so much more.






Being and Doing


 The Loss of Santa