A Wish for the Planet

Not that I only have one wish, but some are more important to me than others. This wish is that all humans embrace their personal power combined with personal responsibility and never again blame another for their feelings or reactions.

What would it take to realize this vision for the planet? A lot, too much to see in my lifetime. That applies for those who want to experience this, because let’s face it, most people don’t know the experience of being empowered through self-responsibility. Some individuals don’t want to because they confuse responsibility with self-blame and fault, and never could two things be so different. Some people will simply never want to take ownership because it can be painful.

While I agree that pain is part of the process, that is where the growing edge exists. It is time for us to learn to stand still, stand tall, and not shy away from the discomfort, but to lean into it, grow from it, and reclaim our power.

I know that pain. I have experienced that pain, recently in truth. BUT, I also know the beauty, the power, and the freedom that comes from not shying back, from allowing my emotions to move me to growth of a higher caliber. This is what is in store for all of us.

Taking responsibility for our life and all its iterations is one of the shortest paths to enlightenment and yet it remains a complicated subject and even more a complicated invitation for a teacher to deliver to her students. All too often it is quickly confused with blame and fault, which is energetically so different.

You have the power to not only transform how you navigate the world, but you also have the power to model this new way of being as you give a hand and invite others to stand in their power. Spirit is always seeking to express Itself through you – let it. Spirit wants to see you be bold in your humanity – be that. THE WORLD NEEDS MORE CONSCIOUS, KIND, AND AWARE PEOPLE.

Photo Credit: Amy Chung


My Awe


What If? Revisited