Asking What If?

What if is a fantastic question to ask to keep yourself present to your options. If you ask it with great sincerity, you will be able to figure out what really matters to you.

What if I wasn’t afraid to try and fail? This question can cause you to imagine your reality in a whole new way without any hesitation. What if I am totally worthy of my good? You see, we might know that you are worthy but being able to accept your worthiness can take some effort – albeit worth the effort.

Now there is another way to benefit from this simple question. It actually can seem negative at first, but it will lead you to understand your values. As a spiritual teacher, this question while tender is extremely sobering.

·         What if my last words to my mother/father/child(ren) were unkind?

·         What if I never forgive, name the person, my, name their relationship to you and they die before I do?

·         What if I don’t take time to say I love you and something happens to one of us?

·         What if something happens to our home, are we prepared?

·         What happens if I miss my deadline?

·         What if I procrastinate and miss this perfect opportunity?

Asking yourself a sobering list of what if questions will leave you dealing with reality in a powerful way. I have watched many individuals at many memorial services regret that they had not been in touch with the deceased. I will always offer this piece of advice to all who are in attendance.

Remember to call your mother, remember to forgive everyone including yourself, and remember to say I love you – for no reason at all. These are just a few actions that you can take to not live wishing you had. There are things all around you, there are people that you love, but don’t call, there are services available to you that you don’t stop appreciating, and there are people in your life that you think will always be there.

What if you could make it? What if you remembered your worth? What if you tried and succeeded?


Pure Metaphysics


Choose Your Hard