Pure Metaphysics

Basic as it might be the single most important model regarding metaphysics can be missed by even the most ardent of metaphysical practitioners. It is often missed because of its simplicity and because there is nothing sexy about the subject, yet as a model it is pure, undeniable, and always accurate.

It is Cause and Effect. Because it is simple, to the mind that enjoys things being complicated, cause and effect is too reductive and simple, yet as a model there is nothing purer and more accurate.

According to Science of Mind, if anything can be seen, experienced, or measured, it is an effect and if it is effect, it is the body of God. And, worked properly with a disciplined mind and a healthy emotional constitution, in theory, this is all we would need to direct our lives.

To live at the effect of this model is to bounce around emotionally reacting from your gut and your shadows, but as we learn to quietly assess what is in front of us, sans judgment and with solid emotional strength, we can choose a different direction. Anything that we have caused into being in our lives can be recreated as long as we return to Cause. Now, our ability to demonstrate cause and manifest our desires does require that we are in relationship with Universal Intelligence, and, to the degree that we are out of alignment with it, we might struggle to apply this model.

Simple human emotions can interfere with our relationship and with the application of cause and effect. Things like fear, doubt, and worry, to name a few, can easily blur your emotional vision of the world around you. So, to the best of our ability, our job is to recognize and name the distractions and, to the best of our ability, work to get clear of them. With a disciplined mind we are able to see past these distractions and move into Cause.

Speaking from Cause requires that we blind ourselves to distractions and continue to speak our chosen reality. We live by right of consciousness! This is good news to the disciplined mind and not good news to anyone who lives at the mercy of their emotions because our emotions are what blurs our vision. We must clear it up or speak past it to create and do so with such conviction that we can move our attention right past those distractions.

To Cause your life in a conscious way, we are called to have the faith of Spirit and conviction of the Law, walking hand-in-hand toward our desired outcome. To be Cause, we must read the signs of our personal distractions and heal as many of them as possible. To Cause greatness and dramatic effects we must be bold, stand tall, and speak our desired outcome with unrelenting faith and conviction, no matter the appearances. We must bless the effects so we keep the energy powerful, positive, and life affirming. Be the Cause in your metaphysical life.


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Asking What If?