Reset Recharge

Remember back in the days when your computer had hard drives and over time the computer would slow down and someone nearby would say: it needs a defrag, as in defragmentation. What was happening was that left to its own devices the computer was storing information in a haphazard way and this would cause confusion and the slowing down of your computer. The defragmentation was a kind of reset.

Well the same thing happens with you. Everyone, absolutely everyone, is living with a certain amount of stress. Some of this stress is an everyday kind of stress, some might be due to additional outside influences such as health, finances, relationship, or career concerns. The stress, uninterrupted, can have lasting consequences upon your body.

Science is clear, the impact of stress is real and is calling for YOUR attention now. Think of reset in the same way that you did during summer vacation. Summers are a reset for kids. It’s their time to remember who they are. Unfortunately, in the U.S. we do not allow for enough down time, although it is slowly changing. There are shifts in the way we show up, we are outdoors more, living more simply, and purging possessions. These changes are due to a collective mindset shift.

The other day I heard it said this way: when I take care of me, I am better for you. That makes a lot of sense. If you are your best version of yourself, the most aware, healthy, and successful version, you are a greater gift to humanity.

If there were a twelve-step group for people who work too hard and never take care of themselves, I would be in that group. It has taken years for me to recondition myself, to care for myself first and to emotionally reset myself. My reset comes from a few different resources. For an easy reset, I love walking in the woods, especially alone so I can think out loud, times of silence feed my reset, being in the company of conscious friends. For a major recharge I go on retreat, or travel, or better yet sacred travel.

Take yourself seriously, STOP thinking everything has to get done today, or that there is a perfect way for doing things, or that only you can do what needs to be done.  

And, join me up in Massachusetts for RETREAT two weekends from now for the Awaken Your Soul, a Life Enhancing Retreat.


Personal Evolution


Pure Metaphysics