Personal Evolution

If you are a resolute Spiritual Warrior, applying spiritual practices, practicing presence, staying grounded, and growing your self-awareness through mindfulness and meditation, it is likely that you regularly look back at your recent self and feel a tad embarrassed. Embarrassed because you can see that you were a tad ignorant or limited or closed down, but it was very recent.

What is fascinating about this is that it is likely that you thought you were good the way you were, but once you stayed with your practices and learned something new about yourself you opened up to more freedom. While you might beat yourself up a tad, but hopefully not, growth is messy, no need to judge yourself or make yourself wrong. It is so interesting how deep one can go; how much healing is available to us. While you might be feeling good, really good about yourself now, the truth is there is always more to learn.

Growth is around every corner and the sooner we take on an attitude of gratitude for all the opportunities and lessons we learn from our surroundings and the people in our life, the easier the process will be. Your challenges help to cause your personal evolution. You can’t get down close to your inner source by tip toeing through the tulips. Trying to feel only positive feelings can leave you stranded and ill equipped to manage life’s large and small monkey wrenches.

Our personal evolution requires that we appreciate and value all aspects of our life. Here are some examples of what grows us.

Those who have known struggle also know accomplishment.
Those who have been betrayed learn about their self-reliance.
Those who have been abused get to embrace their personal power and become (s)heroes for others.
Those who have lost a child know the fragile nature of life and how valuable it is.
Those who have experienced health challenges learn about faith and conviction of the natural healing laws that exist within.

You see, the lessons that support our personal evolution are inherently included in all of our life’s expressions, the good, the not so good and the downright challenging. As we choose to look at and name its growth - it is. If we get emotionally caught up in what’s happening and declare life hard and unmanageable – it is. This is basic to metaphysics. But, should you choose to label life as one extraordinary adventure and look forward to what comes around each corner, we will embrace our personal evolution.

TRUE CONFESSION – I am often shocked by my limitations even while I grow past them. The journey never ends.


My Shero


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