Feeling Good is an Illusion

Our western world is so attached to feeling happy that we often negate the value of life’s harder emotions. Emotions like sadness, anger, fear, disgust, anxiety, jealousy, guilt shame, loneliness, and envy just to name a few all, all have value, all of them innately contain within themselves a path to your personal power. But there is one condition, we must be able to lean into them, to not be afraid to feel them.

Only by leaning in can we benefit from the beauty of our humanity. All of these emotions, all of them contain a portion of your personal power which can be mined only from experiencing them. Every emotion has value, every emotion has contained within them lessons. Each one is part of us, but when we try to avoid them, or judge them, we are missing their innate value.

It is time for us as a society to mature in how we name, embrace, and learn from the hardest of our emotions, learning to sit with them and not shrink back. These emotions have a sort of emotional DNA contained within them. This DNA leads us to our wholeness and perfection and the formula for this DNA is found within ALL emotions, not just the happy, joyful ones.

Yes, the hard feelings are more difficult. Yes, they have a hurtful impact on our body, but once you shift your idea about them and actually turn to bless them, they become the light that lights your path back to yourself. While tough, it is beautiful. Anyone who has ever lost someone that is meaningful to them can attest that while loss is painful, it affords us a moment of feeling beyond the veil and we get to see the world in an intensely unique way.

How do you cultivate a new attitude about your heavier emotions? Here are a few suggestions:

1.       Do some study, there are numerous books now and Ted talks, and YouTube videos that teach everything about the value of emotions. Know the subject.

2.       Get yourself surrounded by people who care deeply about the power of authenticity and being human.

3.       Be honest, extremely honest about what you are feeling.

4.       When you are suddenly stimulated with some pain, stand in it. Don’t run from it. You will find that you can feel the pain and still be okay.

5.       Bless every emotion you experience.

6.       And remember, you have pain, but you are not your pain.

You are a divine emanation of that which created all that ease, fully deserving of your beauty and your power. Embrace it. Love yourself through it. And celebrate yourself with rewards every time you challenge your reactions.

Photo credit: Karolina Grabowska


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