
Have you ever swum naked in the ocean or gone skinny dipping in a pool at night under the moon. When you skinny dip in the ocean your body is massaged by the swelling and the movement of the waves. You get to feel the direct connection to mother nature in the most stunning way. This is physical vulnerability that leaves you connected to earth.

 Vulnerability has many quality aspects. The short part of the story is this - vulnerability is not weakness. To the contrary, vulnerability allows you to access that point of power that exists at the heart of your being that is energetically connected to the source of life itself.

 There are many reasons one chooses not to be vulnerable. These reasons can be everything from fear, self-doubt, shame, or trying to stay safe, especially if you've come out of a family dynamic where you were not safe. Statistics prove out that a large part of our society are families with very limiting life skills where children do not feel safe.  If your home life was not safe you didn't have the option to stay vulnerable. You learned to protect yourself in a variety of ways. You developed characteristics and behaviors to keep you safe, to provide layers between you and those feelings, or you and the people that surrounded you.

 We become defensive, or we become aggressive, or sometimes we play small because our fight, flight, or freeze kicks in and we need to survive. So, to think about being vulnerable could threaten your sense of safety. But true vulnerability is allowing the presence of the One to be seen as you, to shine through you, to be bold as you, and when you allow that kind of vulnerability to be your reality you are in touch with your power, with your empowerment, and you can redirect your attention to have the life of your desires.

 Imagine this. What if you no longer had to lie, even white lies, in your daily interactions with others, where you could be raw in your honesty? Where you walk around not concerned if somebody else likes you or approves of you. We humans have two subtle addictions that hover in our personalities. One is our addiction to being liked and the other is our addiction to being nice. We are nice because we want to be liked, it is a slippery slope. We often want to be liked so much we deny our own needs, wants, and desires. But what would it be like to let go of your addiction to being nice or being liked? Imagine living a life that is undefended. Imagine being your raw, beautiful self.

 Once you take off the guard, know yourself completely, and love yourself unconditionally, there is nothing that anyone can do to harm you because you will be directly connected to the One, and that One is your strength, your power, and your only identity.

 Live your life like an open book for all the world to read. Your book. Your choice.


Your Power Shadow

