Your Power Shadow

What if we could change the narrative today about how we look at and embrace our shadow. What if going forward every time you see evidence of your shadow you look at it with enthusiasm and hope.

We each have our individual triggers that causes us to react to different circumstances and different people. According to new scientific research the effect of trauma and stressors on the body is significant and has gone unappreciated as far as its impact, until recently. The epigenetic studies prove out that our bodies and our health are the result of an extremely complicated combination of stress and unhealthy stress responses.

It will not be anytime soon before we as a culture are free of the shadows that we have created while we seek to manage our reactions in life. Remember our shadow is the result of our ego helping us to navigate life’s most challenging moments, which is why it is important for us to love and appreciate it and the job it has attempted to do – keep us safe.

Just imagine what it would be like if you looked forward to identifying your shadows instead of feeling ashamed, and to receiving the gift captured at the center of that shadow. Imagine that every time you are triggered by an individual that you could stay grounded, and you could look at the triggering individual or the situation as an opportunity to know yourself more. Let’s imagine this as being our new norm.

A scenario: your boss says something to you that triggers a bunch of emotions, but instead of getting upset you recognize that the things you are feeling you have felt before. But here’s where we change the narrative. Instead of being convinced that your boss is an idiot, or a knucklehead, instead of preparing yourself to have a tough conversation with him, or her, you turn within and ask yourself what part of me is my boss shining the light on? Yes, shining light – on your beauty.

Imagine. Imagine going within instead of getting caught up with blame and accusations. With each shadow you confront you learn through taking responsibility for the experience that you are uncovering aspects of yourself that you have projected onto others. But now, as you acccept the shadow as yours, you move into a greater state of wholeness through the practices of acceptance, forgiveness, appreciation, and integration. Your shadows become a gift.

Changing the narrative in this direction empowers us as a culture in the way nothing else can. Learning to identify our shadow, and then learning to forgive the individuals who had something to do with it, is potent beyond any explanation. Take time now to fully embrace and build this muscle and you will find yourself stronger than ever before – courageous and self-empowered.


Disrupt the Thought

